Supporting Organizations
All agencies and programs of The Associated are supporting organizations. For synagogues, schools and small organizations, please contact Cindy Goldstein to become a supporting organization to allow all of your staff access all programs at no additional charge.
Bais Yaakov School for Girls
Baltimore Hebrew Institute
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore Jewish Council
Beth El Congregation and School
Beth Tfiloh Synagogue and Beth Tfiloh Dahan School
Beth Israel Congregation
Bolton Street Synagogue
Center for Jewish Education
CHAI/Myerberg Senior Center
Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Krieger Schechter Day School
Columbia Jewish Center
Development Corporation for Israel (Israel Bonds)
Hillels – Goucher College, Johns Hopkins University, Towson University, University of MD College Park, UMBC
Jewish Community Center
Jewish Community Services
Jewish Federation of Howard County
Jewish Museum of Maryland
Jews United for Justice
Macks Center for Jewish Connection
Maryland /Israel Development (MIDC)
Na’aleh: The Hub for Leadership Learning
The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore
Womens Institute of Torah Seminary