Cultivate a Growth Mindset

As the world around us changes and the challenges we face become more complex, our ability to learn and adapt are fundamental to successful leadership. Yet, many of us lead from a “fixed mindset” that says our character, intelligence, and creative ability are givens that we cannot change in any substantial way.  In contrast, a “growth mindset” believes that we are not limited by our past or inherent qualities.  Rather, through continued learning we can grow and expand greatly our capacity as leaders. 

You Can Learn Anything

Paths to a Growth Mindset

01. Understanding the Growth Mindset

Do you shy away from new challenges? Do you believe you have only a given set of talents to rely upon? Learn how a growth mindset can help you break through your blinders and experience a world of possibilities.

You Can Learn Anything
Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives

02. Failing Forward

Do you feel that what once worked is no longer working for you? Are you tired from constantly trying to achieve perfection in everything you do? Learn to embrace failure as a source of growth and overcome the obstacles that prevent you from taking your leadership to the next level.

5 Tips for Failing Forward
Resilience: The Art of Falling Forward
Teaching Smart People How to Learn

03. Jewish Wisdom and More

As Jews, every Yom Kippur we focus on all the times we have “missed the mark” and vow to improve. What can we learn from Jewish wisdom about building a growth mindset? Also, you can find guidance here from Maya Bernstein, who has worked to integrate cutting edge leadership ideas on growth into Jewish organizational life.

Teshuvah and Forgiveness
Jewish Education: From Survive to Thrive