Professional Recognition Awards

Professional Recognition Awards
Congratulations to our Award Winners!
Professional Awards
Unsung H.E.R.O. Award
This award recognizes a staff member who supports their organization with Heart, Excellence, Reliability and Optimism. The winner of the Unsung HERO award demonstrates their commitment to their work to build relationships and ensure the essential success of their organization. Regardless of tenure, this award honors an employee who is the backbone of your organization, who goes above and beyond their job role to care about the overall functioning of the organization and the people that surround them.
Neely Tal Snyder Community Impact Award
This award honors the memory of Neely Tal Snyder z”l by recognizing a professional with strong commitment and passion for Jewish community. The winner of this award demonstrates creativity, openness and inclusion and helps to build immersive and hands-on experiences/programs that have community impact.
The Daniel Thursz Distinguished Jewish Communal Service Award
This award was created in 2000 to honor and recognize Dr. Daniel Thursz for his achievements as former Dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work and co-founder of the Darrell D. Friedman Institute for Professional Development (formerly BIJCS). He also had served as former Executive Vice President of B’nai B’rith International.
This award pays tribute to the invaluable contributions of an individual who has worked in the field of Jewish communal service for at least 20 years and is currently serving the greater Baltimore community. The individual has demonstrated leadership, exemplary professional skills, and a lifelong commitment to the field.
Outstanding Jewish Communal Professional Award
This award recognizes mid-level professionals with exceptional promise and commitment to a career in Jewish communal service with at least five years of experience. The recipient, a Jewish communal professional employed in the field of Jewish communal service at least 20 hours per week at the time of nomination and whose organization serves the greater Baltimore community, will be awarded a $1,500 grant to subsidize his/her participation in a professional development opportunity.