What Made You Decide to Apply and Become a Friedman Fellow?

I am eager to grow in different ways as a professional, and several of my colleagues who have been Friedman Fellows encouraged me to participate. Their experiences inspired me to seek this opportunity for growth and development. Additionally, I enjoy learning in a cohort environment alongside other professionals who share a similar level of experience and are in a similar stage of their careers. The idea of collaborative learning and building connections with peers was a major draw for me.

What Was One Thing You Learned From Your Mentor in Na’aleh’s Mentorship Program?

My mentor and I had incredible energy and synergy together, which made the mentorship experience both enjoyable and highly productive. One of the key things I learned from her was how to be a more effective professional. She taught me essential skills like time management, creating successful timelines, and outlining clear deliverables—not only for myself but also for my team members who assist with various projects.

In addition to these practical skills, she introduced me to other professionals within the Associated system, which allowed me to expand my network and form valuable partnerships. These connections and insights have already proven to be instrumental in my professional journey.

What Leadership Skills Are You Hoping to Strengthen During This Year as a Friedman Fellow?

This year, I am particularly focused on strengthening my ability to approach partnerships and improve communication skills within my team and with colleagues across the broader Jewish community.

I also aim to refine my ability to present myself as a capable and confident professional. As a young Jewish professional, I’m navigating the question of “what’s next” in my career, and I hope to gain clarity on this through the program. Additionally, I am eager to learn best practices that will enhance my professional development and leadership capabilities.

Why Is Professional Development Important to You?

I deeply love learning and recognize that there is always room for growth. Professional development is an essential part of my journey because it allows me to learn from the diverse perspectives and experiences of other professionals. By integrating their insights into my own approach, I can continue to grow and contribute more effectively in my leadership roles within the Jewish community.

Moving Into 2025, Is There a Leadership Practice You Want to Adapt on a Regular Basis?

As I look ahead to 2025, I hope to focus on honing my skills in relational engagement. This includes building meaningful connections with the professionals I meet and consistently following up to maintain and strengthen those relationships.

Additionally, I want to work on improving my professional rapport and presence. Establishing a confident and reliable professional image is critical to my long-term success, and I am committed to practicing these skills regularly to ensure continued growth.