Friedman Fellowship
Friedman Fellows receive a $5,000 “package” to invest in their personal and professional leadership development over a two-year period.
New professionals may express interest to become a Friedman Fellow to their supervisor or executive director. The executive director/organization supports the nomination of a candidate, on behalf of their organization.
Applications are due August 1, 2024. Scheduled interviews will take place the week of August 12th Monday and Wednesday afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Save the dates below of the cohort meetings, The first one, if you are selected, will be with your supervisors on Tuesday, September 10th, 9-11 a.m. Subsequent cohort sessions will be Thursdays, once a month.
Supervisors should save the morning of September 10th to gather with their Fellows, and March 27 later in the day, to attend their completion ceremony.
Tuesday, September 10, (opening – with supervisors) 9 – 11
Thursday, November 14, Retreat 8:30 – 4 at Pearlstone
Thursday, December 12, 9 – 12
Thursday, January 16, 9 – 12
Thursday, February 13, 9 – 12
Thursday, March 6, 9 – 12
Thursday, March 27, Retreat and Siyum 8:30 – 4:30
Frequently Asked Questions
Mazel Tov to our 2024 – 2026 Friedman Fellows
2024 – 2025 Application Forms
Application Forms
Interview Time Slot Form
Goals Include
1. To provide learning opportunities for a new professional’s leadership development and growth
2. To enhance a new professional’s toolbox of skills and knowledge necessary to make an impact in their organization and further their career
3. To support organizations and the Baltimore Jewish community in investing and retaining professionals who work in Jewish organizations
4. To create a community of networked professionals to encourage connection and collaboration
5. To build commitment and dedication to make a difference in the Jewish communal professional field
1. Friedman Fellowship is a two-year program, after which you will be engaged as “alumni”
2. Sign off on a “brit” – agreement of participation, upon start of program
3. Commitment to participate in monthly cohort learning series to take place in year 1
4. Fellows and their supervisors to participate in first and final sessions of year 1 cohort experience
5. Participation in mentor program and individual coaching sessions in year 2
6. Define your goals and explore within the first 6 months, appropriate professional development opportunities to engage in over the two years, in consultation with Na’aleh and your supervisor (such as conferences, online learning workshops, travel study programs, certificate programs)
7. Keep supervisor abreast of your learning and experience
Celebrate 10 years of Friedman Fellows!
Watch and see what ten years of Fellows have to say.
Friedman Fellows
2023 Fellows
Brittni Barcase, Manager, Prevention and Wellness Education, JCS
Allison Berger, Senior Associate, Macks Center for Jewish Connections
Jesse Cerrottti, Senior Director of J Camps, JCC
Beth Denaburg, Educational Farm Manager, Pearlstone/Hazon
Maggie Hoffman, Archivist, Jewish Museum of Maryland
Sarah Machlis, Development Associate, Young Adult Division (YAD)
Ilana Matheson, Development Associate, The Associated
Rebekah Waltemeyer, Senior Associate of Campaign Management, Beth El Congregation
2022 Fellows
McKenna Bates, Israel Engagement Associate, Towson Hillel
Stern Christian, Lead Educator, Pearlstone Center
Sarah Jacobs, Israel and Overseas Associate, The Associated
Julie Mazer, Marketing Project Manager & Digital Strategist , JCC
Dawn Savage, Assistant Director of Student Life, UMD Hillel
Marisa Shultz, School Program Coordinator, Jewish Museum of Maryland
Matan Zeimer, Community Organizer, Jews United for Justice
2021 Fellows
Natasha Baum, Marketing Coordinator, The Associated
Sarah Brody, Director of Marketing and Development, WITS, Maalot
Ali Duhan, Senior Development Associate, IMPACT, The Associated
Clara Feigelson, Jewish Sustainability Educator, Pearlstone
Allison Feldman, J Camp Coordinator, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Stacy Jarvis, Israel Education Associate, Center for Jewish Education
Rabbi Rory Katz, Chevrei Tzedek
Adi Singerman, Program Associate, Chai Lineline
2020 Fellows:
Rebecca Brown, Development Associate, Women’s Philanthropy, The Associated
Sara Evangelista, Program Director, Johns Hopkins Hillel
Briana Felsen, Associate Area Director, AIPAC
Elliott Goldberg, Assistant Director -Operations, The Edward Myerberg Center
Rabbi Ariana Katz, Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl
Rianna Lloyd, Baltimore Community Organizer, Jews United for Justice
Leora Match, Program Director, Towson University Hillel
Diane Seegull, Program Coordinator, Baltimore Hebrew Institute
Matt Peterson, Assistant Director of Government Relations and Communications, Baltimore Jewish Council
Evan Willner, Israel and Overseas Engagement Associate, The Associated
2019 Fellows:
Danielle Ashendorf, Stoler Early Childhood Education Site Director, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Michelle Cherry, Director of Alumni Relations, Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Shira Heideman, Park Heights Program Director, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Donna Kasoff, Director of Endowment Development, The Associated
Andrea Levin, Program Associate – Non-Profit Partnership, Jewish Volunteer Connection
Noah Mitchel, Assistant Director of Community Relations, Baltimore Jewish Council
Jen Brown Platt, Assistant Director, E. B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
Sarah Rovin, Young Adult Engagement Manager, Pearlstone Center
Jacqueline Yahr, Director of Charitable Planning, The Associated
2018 Fellows:
Alex Ade, Program Associate, Jewish Volunteer Connection
Rebecca Ellison, Development Associate, IMPACT, The Associated
Brian Hertz, Engagement Associate and Ezra Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hillel
M J Kurs-Lasky, Director of Student Life, University of Maryland Hillel
Elizabeth Piper, Social Media Specialist/Health Educator, Jewish Community Services
Cantor Jennifer Rolnick, Beth Israel Congregation
Alyssa Sapia, Coordinator, Baltimore Hebrew Institute
Jeffrey Snyder, Middle School Coordinator/4Front Program Associate, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
2017 Fellows
Andy Katz, Executive Director, Beth Israel Congregation
Laura Green Kendal, Kids Center Director and J Day Camp Assistant Director
Chaya Lasson, Jewish Hospice Program Manager, Gilchrist Services
Marisa Obuchowski, Israel and Overseas Engagement Associate, The Associated
Talia Orencel, Director of Engagement and Social Justice, University of Maryland Hillel
Sara Rubinstein, Special Needs Director, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Maddie Suggs, Director of Public Affairs, Baltimore Jewish Council
Rachel Walkins, Finance and HR Coordinator, Pearlstone Center
2016 Fellows
Lauren Gluck, Logistics Coordinator, Baltimore Chapter, Atlantic Seaboard NCSY
Rebecca Chinsky, Senior Director of Recreation and Maccabi, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Samantha Kahan, Diller Teen Program Associate, Jewish Volunteer Connection
Ari Paskoff, Assistant Camp Director, Capital Camps and Retreat Center
Janna Zuckerman, Program Manager, Center for Jewish Camping, The Associated
Abby Weinstock, Operations Director, Pearlstone Center
2014 and 2015 Fellows
Corinne Bernstein / Lexie Kahn, Engagement Associate, University of Maryland Hillel
Rabbi Rachel Blatt, Director of Congregational Learning, Beth Israel Congregation
Risyl Edelman, Northwest Neighbors Connecting, CHAI
Rachel Feldman, Hospitality Director, Pearlstone Center
Courtney Federoff, Disability Services Team Leader, Jewish Community Services
Sara Feldman, JOIN for Teen Supervisor, Jewish Community Services
Stephanie Hague, Israel and Overseas Associate, The Associated
Rafi Hakiminia, Head Mashgiach, Pearlstone Center
Andy Harkavy, Director of BEIT-RJ, Baltimore Area Reform Jewish Education
Brad Kerxton, Middle School Director, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Joseph Levin-Manning, Director of Engagement, UMBC Hillel
Emily Peisach, Early Childhood Coordinator/Noah’s Ark Camp Director, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Daniela Levine, Senior Development Associate, The Associated
Autumn Sadovnik, Director of Lifelong Learning, The Edward A. Myerberg Senior Center
Liz Schuman, Senior Development Associate, The Associated
Reeut Singerman, Digital Marketing Manager, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
2012 and 2013 Fellows
Molly Amster, Director of Volunteer Services, CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.
Melissa Berman, Assistant Director of Arts & Culture, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Sora Brill, Donor Center Community Campaign Associate, The Associated
Brad Cohen, Director of Education, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Marisa Danto, Development Associate, The Associated
Carly Frank, Development Associate, The Associated
Rabbi Kelley Gludt, Director of Congregational Learning, Beth Am Synagogue
Nechama Goldman, Coordinator of Information and Experiential Education, Association for Jewish Outreach Programs
Ilana Knobel, Special Events and Catering Coordinator, University of Maryland College Park Hillel
Caren Leven, Director of Congregational Engagement, Temple Oheb Shalom
Rabbi Darren Levin, IO Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus, Johns Hopkins University Hillel
Lane Levine, Community Network Director, CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.
Amanda Max, Children Services Director, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Lara Nicolson, PJ Library Baltimore Coordinator, Macks Center for Jewish Education
Morris Panitz, Program Director, Pearlstone Center
Rabbi Jessica Shimberg, Associate Director for Jewish Life and Learning, University of Maryland College Park Hillel
Ahuva Spetner, Program Director, Bais Yaakov School
Loryn Strauzer, Assistant Director of University Admission, Towson University
2010 and 2011 Fellows
Cara Behneman, Jewish Student Life Coordinator, UMBC Hillel
Rebecca Cohen, Development Associate, University of Maryland College Park Hillel
Carly Cowley, Engagement Associate, Johns Hopkins University Hillel
Jonathan Falk, Program Director, Johns Hopkins University Hillel
Adam Goldberg, Director of Engagement, Towson University Hillel
Yona Gorelick, Engagement Director, Goucher College Hillel
Tanya Gutsol, Engagement Associate, University of Maryland College Park Hillel
Stacy Israel, Special Needs Coordinator, Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Sarah Langert, Development Associate, The Associated
Rivka Malka Perlman, Outreach Director, Sinai Alliance (WOW!)
Jakir Manela, Director of Kayam Farm, Pearlstone Center
Allison Mondell, Program Director, Johns Hopkins University Hillel
Michelle Ostroff, Senior Associate, The Associated’s Center for Community Engagement and Leadership
Rabbi Yisroel Porter, Director of Jewish Family Programming, Etz Chaim Center
Stephanie Rosenau, Program Associate, ACHARAI: The Shoshana S. Cardin Leadership Development Institute
Mickey Rubin, Director of Engagement, Johns Hopkins University Hillel
Dodi Samuel, Foreclosure Prevention Coordinator, CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.