Whether you are a professional or volunteer in the greater Baltimore Jewish community, Na’aleh is here to help you lead with ambition, ability, and authenticity. We Believe…


01. Anyone can lead from any seat at the table.

Leadership is an activity, not a role.  It involves mobilizing people to achieve a common objective.  Thus, we don’t work with just formal leaders; we work with anyone who seeks to develop their leadership capacity in service to our community. 


02. Anyone can learn to lead better.

We all have the divine capacity for leadership. Our programs will help professionals and volunteers to develop their capacity to lead more effectively and wisely.


03. Leadership is a risky and collaborative endeavor done amidst complexity and uncertainty.

We gather professionals and volunteers together from organizations across the community to offer mutual support, to learn from each other’s efforts, and to creatively work together.

Learn to lead better by Cultivating a Growth Mindset

To better understand the Jewish roots of these principles, read Rabbi Jonathan Sachs’ “Seven Principles of Jewish Leadership.”