A Professionals Reflection on the Cardin Symposium

The 6th Annual Shoshana S. Cardin Symposium featured a panel which included Andrew Cushnir, President and CEO of the Associated, Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein, Executive Director of Atra: Center for Rabbinic Innovation and moderated by David Sachs. The discussion revolved around leading our diverse communities post October 7th and what challenges the Jewish community currently faces. A few Professionals reflect on what they took away from the conversation.
During this year’s Cardin Symposium, I appreciated the discussions particularly around the complexities of antisemitism on college campuses, the importance of community engagement, and the necessity of continuing difficult conversations.
One significant takeaway from Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein’s remarks was her assertion that understanding the rise of antisemitism on college campuses requires firsthand experience. She emphasized that those not currently on campus may not fully grasp the dynamics at play. This reminder resonated strongly with me, reinforcing the idea that as leaders, it is crucial to actively listen and seek a deeper understanding of the challenges facing our communities. Assumptions based on secondhand information can lead to misguided reactions, making it essential for us to engage directly with the realities of those most affected.
The symposium created a unique space for a diverse cross-section of the community to engage with challenging topics. The event not only illuminated the pressing issues of our time but also fostered a spirit of openness and willingness to engage. The chavruta atmosphere encouraged participants to share their thoughts and feelings, paving the way for greater understanding and connection among community members.
A Call for Continued Dialogue
This event marks just the beginning of a much-needed dialogue within the Baltimore Jewish community. This event highlights the importance of coming together, even amidst disagreements. Building relationships requires a commitment to understanding different perspectives, and the symposium underscored the value of partnership in navigating complex issues. As we move forward post October 7th, it is imperative that we continue these conversations, creating opportunities for collaboration and understanding that strengthen our bonds and address the challenges we face together.