Acharai Fellows reflect on Gratitude

Giving thanks to those who allow us to lead!

In the Jewish tradition, we thank G!d in ways that are innumerable (i.e. in our blessings before and after a meal, in the Shemoneh Esrei prayer recited 3 times a day, in the Hallel prayer recited on various holidays, etc.). 

While every day may seem to be a day of thanksgiving in Judaism, in the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we asked our newest cohort of ACHARAI Fellows to reflect on what they were most grateful for and how they might create an intention to express their gratitude.

These were (some of) their responses: 

  • I am grateful for family – I will let them know how special they are and how lucky I am!
  • Opportunity to be with my husband much more now that he is retired.
  • I am grateful for all the compassionate, smart, talented women in my life.
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to make my community stronger – I intend to express it through volunteering more!
  • I am grateful for a fabulous and supportive Executive Director/partner in my work and for my family – I plan to express this to both!
  • I am grateful for a supportive partner who listens, gives advice, and steps up when I need him – My intention is to tell him more often!
  • I am grateful for my spouse (he tries to take off some of the burden of a challenging family issue).
  • I am grateful for our board and lay leadership’s commitment, passion, and wisdom – I will share that sentiment at our next board meeting.
  • I am grateful that I feel good – I intend to invest in my own self and body!
  • I am grateful for my growing family this past year (i.e. healthy grandchild) – I will express this by spending quality time with my family!
  • I am grateful that my parents are alive, my husband is such a loving and involved grandfather to our grandson, and my children and their families live nearby and that we can be with them – I tell all of them all of this all the time!
  • I am thankful for the relationships I have fostered in my life – I will express my gratitude to each of them individually!

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